It has been decided, I will have another garage sale LOL I only spent about $30 more than I made LOL
I have a Flip, but I have no desire to learn how to get a video on my blog LOL So pictures will have to do! Are you ready? This was BIG fun! Carlee and I had to run to the post office for work and she wanted to go somewhere else. So I picked Michael's. We had not been in there for a very long time. Like 5 or 6 months! The last time I went I got so many screaming deals I decided I better not go back for a long while LOL That may or may not have been decided again. LOL!!
Here we go:
I am not actually thrilled with this set of Studio G and I wouldn't let her get the alphabets. That girl of mine pulled all of these out herself! Everyone was cracking up. She had them stacked into her tiny hands and kept saying let's straighten these out and she would tap them on the floor. She had everyone in there admiring her sorting skills LOL She let me put the duplicates back and happily carried these around in both hands tapping everything in sight! They were only $0.85 each so I got them for her LOL
I need to leave Carlee at home LOL She talked me into the princess page kit too. I have no idea what I will do with it, but Carlee does have some princess outfits so I think I can make it work LOL They were on sale for $5.94 pretty good deal! That darling Sizzix flower die on sale for $6.79 SCORE!
3 DCWV stacks for $7.99! SCORE!
Morgan's birthday is Friday and she is OBSESSED with duct/DUCK tape. The gems on the left and the big ones on the right 28 cents each! Carlee suckered me into the fairy stickers too. She will stick them on the wall the second I turn my head LOL More volleyball and peace sign stuff for Morgan.
The buttons, a ton of them! 28 cents! The M pad, 34 cents! The glitter in darling glass jars, 28 cents! Who in their right mind could pass these great deals up?
The butterfly stamps were also 28 cents! The darling vintage ones went up. They are $1.50 now instead of a dollar. I didn't realize that but with my coupon I got them for $1.27.
OK, for those of you that know my flower wall, you HUSH! Or I won't share so well any more LOL I guess Recollections teamed up with Prima! Only these have GLITTER!!! Can you believe it? On sale for $2.97 each! If Bryan comes home and says I got a $100. cash spiff today I will snatch it out of his hand and run back as fast as I can and buy the rest of the colors! I'll shout over my shoulder and ask if he could hang just one more shelf on the flower wall while I am gone! LOL I LOVE these flowers! I love the jars, I love the size and now I love the sparkles!

How funny are these? LOL The coasters were $0.68 One says Make yourself at home! CLEAN my kitchen. LOL The other one says Let's talk about How Fabulous you think I am! I love funny coaster to scatter around the living room or where ever my peeps set their drinks. I love making recipe albums and these recipe cards are so funny. Another Make yourself at home! CLEAN my kitchen, plain with a colander, It's another day in Paradise minus the paradise. LMAO Anyone who knows me, knows I hate to cook! LOL But I do it because Bryan gets so happy about it and I like making that man happy LOL and the last one is another Let's talk about How Fabulous you think I am! All the recipe cards were only $0.34!
The butterfly charms were only $0.34. The flowers were $1.99.
Are you still with me? LOL These darling little things are for ATC art. Really fun glass jars full of beads and bling. Each one only $2.49. They had a TON of them. Some just glitter, some just micro beads. I wanted all of them they are all so pretty but I have a ton of glitter already.
I also got a value pack of the cutest rub-ons EVER! Here is 1
I forgot to take pictures. It was only 4.24 There are 6 different ones in the package. I can't wait to make some cards with these. Anyone getting married? LOL
Thanks for reading through my haul! I love a day when everything is a screamin' deal!