We LOVE Unity!!! Even more 9 years later!!

We LOVE Unity!!!  Even more 9 years later!!

Thursday, October 8, 2015

Time for another Thursday HOP!!

How are you??  
Super cute releases today!!
 I do believe I have messed up my camera settings trying to get the Bazzil Bling to photograph better.  I am so sorry!  And I am out of time to work more with it.  You might want to grab your sunglasses to view my very bright cards!  LOL
Little Frosty Friends might be the cutest set EVER! Tiffany NAILED IT!!!
 I *KNOW* not to use Bazzil's bling if I want a good picture.  The problem is I can't seem to make a card without it.  I keep trying and in real life the card just looks SO much better with the Bling.  How about this?  Next hop, I try harder.  I don't make promises I can't keep.  LOL  Boo-Lieve is a darling set as well!  Dana Carlson NAILED IT Too!! Look at that darling Baby ghost!
 The sale will make you GASP!  Go ahead, head on over to Unity throw any stamp set not on sale in your cart and watch the discounted price just appear like magic.  How cool is that?
 A heart shaped pile of Unity rubber.  *SWOON*  I want this on my wall.
Right above this!!!
If you spend $50. today you get the world's cutest snowmen for FREE!!!!  Shipping is FREE too!!
Please come hop with us! 
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Happy Shopping!
Thanks so much for stopping by tonight!!