We LOVE Unity!!! Even more 9 years later!!

We LOVE Unity!!!  Even more 9 years later!!

Thursday, June 18, 2015

My First Blog Hop as a Unity DT Member *GASP* I am SO EXCITED!!!!

Hello Peeps!!
I might need to be pinched to see if this is really happening!!!
I know it is because I just applied my very first watermark in my whole life and I didn't even say a bad word!  It was easy!!  Maybe because of what it says *GASP* it just went right on the picture like it belonged there!! :) 
OK back to the hop, I am easily sidetracked!!
I hope you arrived here from Natalie's blog and have not missed anything from the start of the hop!  

I am a HUGE fan of anything recipe related!!  I make all of my recipes into scrapbook pages.  I really dislike to cook so if I can at least look at a fun page while cooking it makes it doable!!  LOL  I am going to a wedding on Saturday so this came just in time for a fun card.  I'll make a sappy one too.  
I picked Secret Ingredient an Itty Bitty, created by that rock star Joslyn Nielson!!  I LOVE it!!

 Look at the new stamps!  I love them all.  I already started a card with the grapes but quickly learned AGAIN, I can't color.  LOL  That owl is next.  I have a thing for owls.  I used to have thing for cows!  My entire kitchen was done in Holsteins.  I sort of miss it!  LOL  The cow will be right after the owl :)

3, 6, 10 and 12 dollars??  300 items marked down!!!
Sometimes don't you just shake your head and wonder if Unity survives on PB&J alone to keep up these killer prices?? :)

We have TWO amazing Unity filled prize packages to giveaway. Leave a comment on EACH blog in the hop (including the Unity blog) for your chance to win. The winners will be announced Monday night on the Unity blog!!  Good Luck!!

Unity prizes in the mail make a FANTASTIC day!!!

Today I am lucky enough to be hoping with these beautiful and talented girls!!

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Get ready to be inspired because these girls and their amazing work will make you ditch the computer and run for your stamp desk!!
Next please head over to Robyn's blog to see her amazing work!
Thank you so much for stopping by!  Please be sure to go shop and save a ton on this weeks sale!!
Have a great day!!

Monday, June 1, 2015

After taking a year off from blogging, I have BIG news Peeps!!

Have you seen those commercials like Publishers Clearing Place I think they are called where people show up with giant checks and balloons?
The recipient covers their mouth and lets out a scream as they cry and they jump up and down?  Their hands shake a little and they say NO WAY!  ARE YOU SERIOUS?  Or maybe OMG?  You know what I mean right?  THAT is so what happened!  The beautiful Angela Magnuson's little face with her handsome son James popped up on my phone.  What is that called through FaceBook?  IM?  It has happened many times we have been friends for years.  I am crazy about that girl.  I have been in love with Unity Stamps for years and years.  They are my favorite.  Not a day goes by that I don't talk about them.  And Andrea?  OH MY GOSH I know for sure our paths were meant to cross.  She is my best girl.  SEE!  I could go on about the Unity Peeps for days.  Back to Ang's little face popping up on my phone.  BTW, do y'all have that on your phone?  You NEED it.  Seeing your favorite Peep's little faces pop up will put a smile on your face the second you look at your phone.  Ang said something like Hi, Wanna play along with the design team?  We think it would be so fun.  It was sort of hard to read.  I instantly started the crying and jumping thing.  You try to IM on your phone doing that.  Plus I was calling my sister.  I was texting Heather, Crystal and Andrea.  I was living my dream!  I think I was shouting OH MY GOSH while covering my mouth.  There was some pacing, there was some is my blog still broken?  Wait is my blog still even on the internet?  LOL  Can I even remember how to blog?
I am so honored.
I am so nervous.
I am so dang EXCITED!!
Someone once told me all I ever talk about on FB is Unity.  Well, there is a really damn good reason for that!  I. LOVE. THEM!  There is a lot to talk about!  The Peeps, the stamps, the friendships, the love.
Buckle up Peeps!
I can't stop talking on a normal day.  When I am this excited over something I am so passionate about, there is going to be some serious babbling going on!
Thank you for picking me Ang!  Thank you from the very bottom of my heart.
That was such a stellar surprise!!
You, yours, and the stamps are simply put
I wish I could hug your neck right now!!  :)